Dater PTO Membership

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our PTO is a community for the parents and staff of Dater students to work together to make our school the best it can possibly be!


We invite you to please join the PTO, as your $50 goes to all of the fantastic programs and events we are able to provide the students. 


Your PTO needs your unique talents, whether it’s volunteering a few hours a month or a few hours a year, serving on the board, or attending meetings. Come join us!


We look forward to a great year!


Join the PTO for the 2023-2024 School Year





Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment! 

 If I join, do I have to?

  • Go to meetings?
    No. You are welcome to attend our general meetings though.

  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?
    Nope! Joining the PTO is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.

Dater 411






Upcoming PTO Events

No Upcoming Events

Full calendar

Dater After School Activities 2024-2025

Dater offers exciting after school activities for the 4th and 5th Graders.  Sign ups for these activities are facilitated through the Dater PTO Website.  Click below for more information.  





L.E.A.D. for 5th Grade Students 2023-2024

Dater School and Dater School PTO partner with the Ramsey Police Department to bring LEAD to our 5th Grade students to provide our children with the life skills needed to live a happy, healthy and drug free lifestyle.  Click below for more information.